Rapid Cultural Response Artist Network

1 de agosto, 2020 | August 1, 2020

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¡Oye Gringo! Wear a mask of go home

Arte por Javier Maldonado O’Farrill @jmofarrill para AgitArte Al no poder controlar el aeropuerto como frontera principal, la entrada de turistas provenientes de Estados Unidos, principal foco actual de la pandemia, ha seguido en aumento. Para colmo, muchos se niegan a usar la mascarilla creyéndose por encima de las regulaciones locales y guiados por campañas de desinformación lideradas por Donald Trump. Nuestros sacrificios no pueden ser en vano. No son bienvenidos. El virus es la colonia.

After 2 months of extreme quarantine in Puerto Rico in which we managed to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we are facing the highest rate of positive cases and hospitalizations. With no means to control the airport as our main border we are left unable to stop the entry of tourists from the United States, the current epicenter of the pandemic. To make matters worse, many refuse to wear the mask believing themselves to be above local regulations and guided by disinformation campaigns led by Donald Trump. Our sacrifices cannot be in vain. They are not welcome. The virus is the colony.

28 de abril, 2020 | April 28, 2020

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Sam and eagle

You sleep so well Sammy.
I must be in your loving dreams,
in the abundance of the palm tree islands and the sweet piña colada taste of our colonial postcards.Loving the kid gloves and red carpets
rolled out for us by these fools, they are, infected by their colonized existence,
yet so humble, so warm, so friendly.So happy we can do this! We vacation where they live, we vacation on their shores (until the storm).
We won’t be here then, only to return once again and rise like the Eagle and Uncle that we are.
Stronger baby!!!
We’ll find new ways and means to create new markets for our dollars’ passion. Let’s do it! Let’s just suck it all out together baby.Disculpen nativos
I wasn’t talking to you!
Hablaba con el Tío del island life
De su ay bendito tan bonito
De todo lo que hacen por US
Us, sus dueños, nos pertenecen
aunque no son parte.
Punto y aparte, lo sentimos muchos
por su peor enfermedad, la colonia.

-Poema por Jorge Díaz Ortiz, AgitArte | Arte por Sebastián Gutiérrez

29 de abril, 2020 | April 29, 2020

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“El coronavirus ha expuesto las inmensas debilidades del sistema de salud de Puerto Rico. La salud no debería ser una mercancía mediante la cual se busque el lucro, sino un derecho humano fundamental para todo el pueblo. Alternativas como nacionalizar los hospitales y establecer un plan de salud universal son propuestas que deberían estar en el centro de la discusión pública.” Tomado del artículo COVID-19 y el Colapso del Sistema de Salud Privado en Puerto Rico de Abner Dennis.

– Serigrafía, 9 x 12″ por Javier Maldonado-O’Farrill para AgitArte 

Grabado en Relieve, 9 x 12″ Arte por Javier Maldonado-O’Farrill para AgitArte“The coronavirus has exposed the immense weaknesses of Puerto Rico’s health system. Health should not be a commodity through which profit is sought, but a fundamental human right for all people. Alternatives such as nationalizing hospitals and establishing a universal health plan are proposals that should be at the center of public discussion.” From the article COVID-19 and the Collapse of Private Hospitals in Puerto Rico by Abner Dennis.

-Block Print, 9 x 12″ Artwork by Javier Maldonado-O’Farrill for AgitArte 

1 de mayo, 2020 | May 1, 2020

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Hey Sammy, I got the aid for the natives. Finally brought some crumbs for these fools. Maybe they get a crumb or too after the local government leeches feed off the people…

Wait Eagle bae’ !!! Get out of here with them crumbs! I’m busy. These beggars wanna play with the cabotage laws?! Ha ha ha! Not on my watch! I run the seas! I control the markets! I raise the flags of conquer! You belong to me Porto Rico!

Mira Samito que al fin traje las migajas para estos bobos. A lo mejor le llega una migaja o dos después que las sanguijuelas del gobierno se coman al pueblo…

¡Aguanta Aguilita! ¡Vete al carajou con las migajas pendejas esas! Estoy ocupado. Estos mendigos quieren jugar con las leyes de cabotage. Ha ha ha !!! ¡No bajo mi guardia! ¡Yo controlo los mares! ¡Yo corro los mercados! ¡Yo izo las banderas de la conquista! ¡Tú eres mío Porto Rico.
#seacabaronlaspromesas #coloniavirus


-Poema por Jorge Díaz Ortiz, AgitArte | Arte por Sebastián Gutiérrez

18 de abril, 2020 | April 18, 2020

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I vacation were you live
My legs up on your ottoman backs
I Iove sneaking into your beaches as you isolate yourselves in the daily hustle of your colonial existence. relax, I came to party!
Wuuuuuuuu Arriba arriba!
I’m chilling in Santurce,
in my cozy Short term rental
with short term investments. Short markets of short vision.
Do you see what I see?
Opportunity and getaway for us,
so sorry for y’all.
So sorry,
really sorry.

It’s my vacation
you need to stay the fuck inside.
Your ass might just get arrested.
I’m good.
Enjoying these laws and colonia virus
i’m a twenty twentytwoer*!!!
I vacation where you can’t live anymore.
I love my island life, you can migrate, find those opportunities.
I got mine! You better get yours………………….

*twenty twenty twoer is a moniker given to gringos who live in Puerto Rico to tax evade, taking advantage of the laws 20 and 22 set up to continue extracting and exploiting our land and people.

#seacabaronlaspromesas #coloniavirus


-Poema por Jorge Díaz Ortiz, AgitArte | Arte por Sebastián Gutiérrez