¡Oye gringo! Wear a Mask of Go Home

¡Oye gringo! Wear a Mask of Go Home

Arte por Javier Maldonado O’Farrill @jmofarrill para AgitArte Al no poder controlar el aeropuerto como frontera principal, la entrada de turistas provenientes de Estados Unidos, principal foco actual de la pandemia, ha seguido en aumento. Para colmo, muchos se niegan a usar la mascarilla creyéndose por encima de las regulaciones locales y guiados por campañas de desinformación lideradas por Donald Trump. Nuestros sacrificios no pueden ser en vano. No son bienvenidos. El virus es la colonia.

After 2 months of extreme quarantine in Puerto Rico in which we managed to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we are facing the highest rate of positive cases and hospitalizations. With no means to control the airport as our main border we are left unable to stop the entry of tourists from the United States, the current epicenter of the pandemic. To make matters worse, many refuse to wear the mask believing themselves to be above local regulations and guided by disinformation campaigns led by Donald Trump. Our sacrifices cannot be in vain. They are not welcome. The virus is the colony.

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