Palestine Solidarity | Solidaridad con Palestina

Rapid Cultural Response Artist Network

Published April 10, 2024

As many mark the end of Ramadan with Eid al-Fitr, a time to gather, break bread and celebrate, the people of Gaza are being starved by the Israeli government with support from the United States.

Over six months into this genocide, we continue to be in solidarity with Palestine and lift up Palestinian cultural resistance to settler colonialism.

Dabke is a folk dance from the lands including Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria (a region also referred to as Cana’an). The dance incorporates stomping on the earth, calling forth the connection between a people and the land. In more recent history, Dabke has been danced as a form of resistance to the attempted erasure of Palestinian people and culture, and the violent taking of Palestinian homes by the Israeli state.

Artwork by Tina Orlandini for AgitArte featuring Al-juthoor Palestinian Dabke with Dabke rhythms by Simon Moushabeck. Inspired by the poem “What I Will” by Suheir Hammad and by a video of Palestinian young people dancing Dabke during the Great March of Return (2018-2019).

Publicado 16 de February 2024

Por 131 días el gobierno del estado sionista de Israel ha intensificado su ataque militar g*nocida contra en pueblo de 🇵🇸 Palestina que lleva resistiendo el proyecto de asentamiento colonial e imperialista articulado por Europa y los EEUU desde el 1948.

Apoyamos el llamado palestino de “Shut it down” del 15-17 de febrero por la m*sacre continua en Gaza, el área más densamente poblada del mundo, y por los ataques en la supuesta “zona segura” en Rafah donde acorralan a más de un millón de personas para continuar exterminándolas.

Esto no empezó el 7 de octubre. Palestina será libre. Nos solidarizamos con Palestina y todos los pueblos oprimidos.

Arte inspirado en la poesía WE TEACH LIFE SIR de Rafeef Ziadah por José ‘Primo’ Hernández Díaz para AgitArte

#librepalestina #vivapuertoricolibre



Published May 15, 2024

Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world mark the Nakba, referring to the violent displacement and ethnic cleansing of their people during the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.

More than 76 years later, Israel still denies Palestinian refugees their right to return to their land and continues the displacement of Palestinians. Israel’s military occupation of Palestine remains at the core of this decades-long conflict that continues to impede on the lives of Palestinians.

FREE PALESTINE! Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire! Release All Political Prisoners!

Art by @arkitectita for @agitarte_cultural_works

#LibrePalestina #FreePalestine #Nakba #… #FromTheRiverToTheSeaPalestineWillBeFree #VivaPuertoRicoLibre #DatosYDibujos

Published February 23, 2024

¡Jenin, estamos retornando a Palestina!
Inspired by the poem “Shades of Anger” by Palestinian poet Rafeef Ziadah. Art by dey hernández vázquez @arkitectita for AgitArte.

Since 2007, Gaza has been under a strict land and sea blockade by Israel that prevents people, along with necessary items like water, food, and medicine, from moving freely across the border, exacerbating harsh economic conditions and poverty for the Palestinian people. The precarious situation of pregnant women and newborns in the Gaza Strip is beyond dire, and it demands immediate action.

Most mothers and babies born since October 7th have only known displacement. Meanwhile, due to a lack of nutrition, mothers are unable to breastfeed. And as the healthcare system collapses, infant and maternal mortality have worsened. They are part of a generation of Palestinians born into homeless, impoverished families who have been struggling for LIFE daily to survive Israel’s violent military assault on their land. We call for an immediate ceasefire! ¡Viva Palestina Libre! ❤️🇵🇸

#LibrePalestina #FreePalestine


#VivaPuertoRicoLibre #DatosYDibujos

Re-published October 20, 2023

AgitArte stands in solidarity with the Palestinians fighting for the liberation of their land and people. We call for the end of Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and we condemn the Israeli settler colonial state (and all settler colonial states including the U.S.) and the U.S.’s active military financing of the ongoing Nakba in Palestine.

Art by @osvaldobudet for AgitArte

AgitArte se solidariza con lxs palestinxs que luchan por la liberación de sus tierras y de su gente. Hacemos un llamado a poner fin a la ocupación israelí y a la limpieza étnica de palestinxs. Condenamos al Estado colonizador de Israel (y a todos los Estados colonizadores incluyendo a los EE. UU.), y el financiamiento militar activo por parte de EE. UU. del Nakba que actualmente ocurre en Palestina.

Arte por Osvaldo Budet para AgitArte

#freepalestine #palestinalibre #endthegenocideingaza

Published October 23, 2023

Palestine will be free.

Palestina será libre.

Art by Tina Orlandini @t.orlandini for AgitArte | Arte por Tina Orlandini para AgitArte

#freepalestine #palestinalibre #endthegenocideofpalestinians