Las Vidas Trans Importan

Rapid Cultural Response Artist Network

Arte por / Art by José Hernández Deiaz, AgitArte

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Black Trans Lives Matter. We truly believe that we won’t be free until everyone is free. We honor our Black Trans and gender non conforming family each and every day. We want us alive and we want us thriving. Both our organizing and individual practices must be centered in dismantling racial capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. Tearing down patriarchy and heteronormative systems, practices and policies is fundamental to our collective liberation.

The trans population has historically experienced, and still experiences, high levels of police brutality and overall systemic violence. Most cases of violence against trans people remain unresolved and unreported by mainstream media. Threats to safety are further amplified for transgender people of color and homeless transgender people. We need to organize together and show up for our Black Trans siblings. Solidarity is taking action with #BlackTransLivesMatter.

Say their names: Bree ’Nuk’ Black, Draya McCarty, Brayla Stone, Merci Mack, Tatiana Hall, Riah Milton, Shaki Peters, Dominique Fells.

These are just some of the [at least] 27 transgender and/or gender non-conforming people who have died this year in the U.S. due to violence, the majority of whom were Black transgender women.

Arte por / Art by José Hernández Deiaz, AgitArte

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Las vidas trans importan. A un mes de cerrar el 2020 tenemos 6 vidas arrebatadas por el odio y la intolerancia. A esto se unen 42 muertes de mujeres en lo que va de año, subrayando la crisis de violencia de género y crímenes de odio que se vive en la isla. Exigimos justicia para las personas trans y honramos las memorias de aquellas que ya no están entre nosotras, jamás serán olvidadas. Luchemos por un mundo libre de transfobia. Abajo el patriarcado!

Di sus nombres: Layla Peláez, Serena Velázquez, Michelle Ramos Vargas, Penélope Díaz, Yampi Méndez Arocho, Alexa Negrón.