04 Oct ¡Vieques Se Respeta!
¡Solidaridad con Vieques y Katherine Martínez Medina!...
¡Solidaridad con Vieques y Katherine Martínez Medina!...
Free downloadable artwork in solidarity with the movement to #StopCopCity in Atlanta, GA...
Save the Date! December 8th, 9th and 10th, 2023 | ¡Ponlo en tu agenda! 8,9 y 10 de diciembre de 2023...
May 1st is an important day for workers in Puerto Rico (and worldwide) but it also carries significance among our crew of artists and cultural workers because it is the anniversary of Papel Machete’s first street action as a collective....
In our most recent newsletter, we're highlighting our first graphic novel project, Mucho Mango, an adaptation of Papel Machete's 2010 tabletop puppet play El Barrio del Mangó Bajito....
“Few initiatives have left as much of a lasting imprint on the visual and affective archives of the political landscape of this U.S. Caribbean colony (or ‘unincorporated territory’) over the last quarter century as AgitArte...
In January, we opened TallerSala Jennifer Almodóvar González in Casa Taller Cangrejera by holding Sobre La Mesa, a puppet theater event...
A comprehensive recap and reflection of our work during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic spanning 2020 and 2021....
2022 marks 25 years since AgitArte started in Lynn, Massachusetts as a youth popular education, hip-hop and theater project with the broader vision of building a popular education center....
Last month, Papel Machete and AgitArte presented our first work-in-progress presentation of On the Eve of Abolition with our co-presenters, Cara Mía Theater in Dallas, TX. Read our full recap with photos. ...